I give a damn!

As human beings and the dwellers of Mother Nature we have forgotten that we serve a responsibility to earth and by that it means keeping it safe and protecting its environment from landfill, exploitation of natural resources and quality of life. My purpose is to promote a greener and healthier tableware made from naturally fallen palm leaves. I am a Momprenuer from Oregon. Growing up in India we ate on leaves on special occasions. I was so nostalgic about missing those moments that I thought to bring that experience to my children here in the USA ,so I started my company 2 yrs ago to bring this concpet to the Western World. I love raising eco conscious children and appreciating natural resources and use them smartly to create a business,bring in a lot of money and then do something with money for the community.
Innovating Dtocs products is about turning all our goals and aligning it with the environment.