

How do we transcend our identities and value Earth as our home? Cosmopolitan to the core, I identify as a global citizen, or rather, a cosmocitizen. With beginnings in Poland, I had a migratory childhood via the refugee camps of Italy to multicultural Canada. Soon after, I began my own globetrotting quest, taking the path of a humanitarian and moving around the world in service to humanity, finding myself in various migration contexts, this time as an aid worker. A decade of working with the United Nations had taken me to many places around the planet, and when I returned to Europe, I began to explore more deeply the multiple crises that had become the norm. Making Hungary my home base for many years allowed me to delve further into my life’s work in human rights. Now another life transition is about to take place, testing the spirit and potential of cosmocitizenship.

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Always just one day at a time

My storyline is simple: born on the South-East of Hungary, moved to the capital to study and stayed for work. Could be any of you. Met this guy who broke me and I needed therapy. Since then, I am on a constant personal journey in my inner world. Trying to reflect the change on the world around me. A short volunteering in Cambodia to teach English. For a while weekly visitor in a children’s home to help out. Volunteer wannabe-trainer at Heroes’ Square Foundation. Diversity addict. A little of everything is better than a big shot of just one thing. Conscious of the environment, of the diet and the relationships. Grown into a sports person. Struggling with laziness and constantly changing focus. But I cannot stop trying to become a better person, a “more me” everyday, step by step, sometimes back but still, more and more forward.
No story to tell, really, I am just a girl-next-door…

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