Disapproved Pitch

Disapproved Story

Las estrellas escondidas

¿Por qué me pasa todo esto?
Pregunta recurrente cuando te encuentras en situación de sinhogarismo.
¿Qué necesidad hay de experimentar lo que me sucede?
Un proceso de aprendizaje de primera mano. Como buen observador voy tomando nota mental de las experiencias buenas y malas que van sucediéndome cada día.
̶ Sal de la calle lo más pronto y cuenta nuestras realidades ̶ me repitió Luis ̶ uno de esos días que coincidíamos en el comedor.
Las respuestas van llegando y te das cuenta que debes contar tu historia. No por satisfacción personal, más bien para crear conciencia que a cualquier persona le puede suceder, sin importar estrato social o posición económica. Con la pandemia del Covid-19 el cierre de negocios, pérdida de trabajos, destrucción de familias, el sinhogarismo va a incrementarse.
Utilizando mis habilidades para escribir «Las estrellas escondidas» novela basada en hechos reales que sirva para concientizar a la sociedad y políticos para afrontar el sinhogarismo.

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Chaos To Christ

My childhood and teenage years were full of struggle. My parents were controlling and strict. I started running away and rebelling from them from the age of 15 and eventually became a single mum at the age of 20. I had an alcohol and drug problem and was consumed in the party life and constantly getting stuck in toxic relationships with bad guys.
My life was a mess until I surrendered and called out to God for help at the age of 27. Within 1 year my life changed, I found the man of my dreams, I went from broke to wealthy, I started a new life in a new city and built a new family.
Since then I’ve been able to build a 7 figure business helping to reduce poverty in the Philippines. My life changed because I found God and I want others to find him too. Life doesnt have to be your own struggle, you can rely on God’s help to guide you through.

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Always just one day at a time

My storyline is simple: born on the South-East of Hungary, moved to the capital to study and stayed for work. Could be any of you. Met this guy who broke me and I needed therapy. Since then, I am on a constant personal journey in my inner world. Trying to reflect the change on the world around me. A short volunteering in Cambodia to teach English. For a while weekly visitor in a children’s home to help out. Volunteer wannabe-trainer at Heroes’ Square Foundation. Diversity addict. A little of everything is better than a big shot of just one thing. Conscious of the environment, of the diet and the relationships. Grown into a sports person. Struggling with laziness and constantly changing focus. But I cannot stop trying to become a better person, a “more me” everyday, step by step, sometimes back but still, more and more forward.
No story to tell, really, I am just a girl-next-door…

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Champion of The Underdog

Rob Pyne was born in 1967. He worked in various jobs, until breaking his neck in 1991, becoming a quadriplegic. He then completed a BA in History and Politics and a Law Degree. Pyne worked at JCU from 2000 – 2007. He was elected to Cairns Regional Council in 2008, serving 2 terms before being the first quadriplegic elected to State Parliament in 2015. After electoral defeat he returned to Council,winning Division 2 in March 2020. Rob remains happily married to Jenny and has one child Kate

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Voices of Innovation

From the invention of the foldable umbrella to an award-winning Creative Innovation event and social enterprise, comes the inspiring story of creative catalyst, Tania de Jong AM. This tale of innovation explores her creative roots and inspiration from her Grandmother Slawa Duldig’s first inception and creation of the foldable umbrella and takes you through the journey of discovery of how Tania became one of Australia’s leading social entrepreneurs and changemakers.

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