Tag: indigenous

INSPIREFLIX is a nonprofit film studio producing and distributing free-to-view human-interest short documentary films featuring individuals from the general public in order to open minds and encourage global collaboration.

Other Stories

  • All
  • Activism
  • Alternative Education
  • Animal Welfare
  • Art
  • Asylum Seekers
  • Chronic Illness
  • Disability
  • Domestic Violence
  • Education
  • Educators
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Enviromental Activism
  • Environment
  • Equality
  • Female Leaders
  • Finance Education
  • Graphic Arts
  • Health
  • Human Rights
  • Human Rights Activism
  • Immigrants
  • Indigenous
  • Indigenous Elders
  • Indigenous Leaders
  • Indigenous Rights
  • LGBTQIA Rights
  • Leadership
  • Mental Health
  • Migrant Rights
  • Music
  • Natural Science
  • Nature
  • Nutrition
  • Performing Arts
  • Personal Growth
  • Racial Violence
  • Refugees
  • Social Entrepreneurs
  • Social Science
  • Sport
  • Sustainability
  • Visual Arts
  • Women's Rights
  • Young Leaders

Stay in touch!

You can watch all our films free of charge and without registering, however, if you’d like to get notified about new releases then you should definitely subscribe to our newsletter to stay in touch.!