Inca Warrior – Awaking the Voice Within

Synopsis: Pitch your story...At the age of 6 I became a carer for my mother who has been constantly suicidal through my life. I too am a survivor of child abuse and have had first-hand experience with PTSD. Statistics show that due to my history I am at higher risk of suicide and ongoing mental health issues. I refuse to accept this. I am living proof that as individuals we can change this reality. When I was growing up I had no idea that my personal story would end up impacting the lives of thousands of Australians. I have the bloodline of the traditional Inca people in me. I feel fortunate that those who have walked before me have smashed the poverty cycle, breaking the integrational trauma cycle that has allowed me to become the person I am today. #incawarrior

Submitted by: Alison Kelly

Story Type: Short Portray

Story Location(s): Australia


Tags: NA

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6 comments on “Inca Warrior – Awaking the Voice Within”

  1. Ally is a dynamic leader, a deep thinker and infuses everything she does with intention and innovation. She is deeply passionate about mental health and proactive suicide prevention for young people and adults and has dedicated her life to this work.

    She has extensive experience in the mental health sector, social enterprise, education and working directly with individuals and small groups to create a profound and positive impact and open the door to deeper conversations. She is passionate about inclusion and ensuring that her programs are inclusive and welcoming to everyone.

    I strongly recommend support for Ally Kelly’s story to be filmed by Inspireflix as I know this would be incredibly beneficial in her quest to share her message and raise awareness of the importance of taking care of the mental health of ourselves and those around us.

  2. I also went through child-abuse as a child and a rather broken relationship with my mom. It’s taken me years around the globe to connect with my inner self. Hope your story makes it to the next level!

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