Designing a pathway to reduced crime
Synopsis: When it comes to true rehabilitation, statistics say that prison is, at best, 50% effective.
Imagine a world where prisons acted as education hubs in which inmates could learn the skills they need to find meaningful employment after their release.
This small but determined team is striving for just that – working side by side with those from a range of diverse and often disadvantaged backgrounds who have been incarcerated for a variety of reasons, to help give them another chance at life.
Their mission is to tap into the hidden potential of those who want to change for the better, make a real difference to these forgotten members of society and, in turn, make the community safer.
Submitted by: Amy Lockwood
Story Type: Short Portray
Story Location(s): Australia
Category: Education
Tags: NA
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48 comments on “Designing a pathway to reduced crime”
This organisation is the grass roots of “corrections”. Giving men a purpose. A sense of competency in a real world industry. This not only gives them a reason to get up each day while serving a sentence, it also gives them confidence that they can make a valuable and creative contribution to the world and build up that competence that will help them succeed upon their release. It’s brave to tackle the world of prisons and the HUMANS within them. Many who never had the privileges most of us did growing up, but have the same hopes and dreams and talents.! What a super interesting story they would have to share too!! The people they’ve worked with alone and their work would be a story on it’s own. Good luck!!
These ladies do phenomenal work and provide help to those who are disadavantaged in our rich society. Love and admire their work.
I was blown away when I first heard of this story, and am so inspired by their tireless work. I think programs like this have the potential to revolutionise the Australian corrections system
This would be great to see – Amanda and Kelly do great work
I would love to see this made soon it is a great idea. We can see tougher penalties for crime just dose not work. It’s about tome programs like this get the attention and support it deserves
Kelly and Amanda (the Foxes) have heart and soul. The work that they do is life changing.
Green Fox do wonderful work to tackle the rarely talked about issue of how to reintegrate people into productive society, give them goals and dignity and help us all be a more cohesive society.
Amazing work…. Beyond business as usual!
Such an amazing initiative helping those that are in need!! Giving time and help in today’s society is sadly lacking. Definitely worthy of shining a spotlight on these wonderful ladies.
A truly unique service offering that needs to be brought to the wider Commercial market.
Critical work in providing a way forward against reoffending. The social return in investment is obvious and much needed to reduce reoffending by skilling and supporting inmates toward positive futures in industries that they are passionate and interested in, as well as needed and suitable for both independent and team based work.
Investing in a rehabilitation program that gives offenders new skills and a path forward in life after prison is investing in society as a whole. Very worthwhile and there should be more of it. Green Fox are the first in providing such an innovative program. Let’s hope other organisations take their lead!
Amanda and Kelly are simply amazing and inspirational people. The work they are doing literally changes lives in a sector of the community most people don’t care about. They do more than care, they are passionate about their cause.
I’m sure the video these two will devise will certainly make for an innovative perspective on a topic that has remained somewhat stagnant for many years.
This is important.
We need a paradigm shift in our approach to corrections if we truly want to reduce recidivism.
Programs such as this provide hope, opportunity, empowerment and purpose.
Everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone needs a hand up sometimes. Would love to learn more about this.
I would love to see this
I have seen what education is and isnt in prison over ten years. I begged to be educated, I lied about my literacy level just to get in the library. The amazing work that this team does is to be commended. I would love to check this out!!!!! Go Green Fox!!!!!!
such a brilliant initiative. With recidivism rates incredibly high, initiatives like this will help change the story, remove the hopelessness and provide an alternative when re entering society. Can’t wait to see this initiative in play!
What a brilliant way to give back to the community!
Kelly and Amanda’s story is inspiring and their dedication to their mission is honourable. I would LOVE to see their journey filmed and shared with as many people as possible to encourage other prisons across Australia to become involved.
As someone who has been to prison, I can attest to the significant need for this model, and these models, to be utilised in rehabilitation. The girls should be commended and supported in any way.
Inmates learn practical skills with Green Fox, but far more important are the intangible benefits they receive such a sense of achievement, sense of purpose, self- confidence, respect for self and others, the experience of being valued and respected by others……. and so much more. Those qualities are essential to their successful rehabilitation. Programs such as these should be available in every correctional centre in Australia at the very least.
The team is doing such an important work!
Committed and passionate about change! Others will benefit from hearing their story.
Brilliant, such a creative way to try to improve life outcomes….
Amazing, on many levels.
Great work Kelly & Amanda.
Greenfox are doing such important, impactful, and powerful work
Love this so much! Go Kelly & Amanda
Wonderful organisation doing incredible work!
This is a story that deserves to be heard.
In a very human way this initiative gives hope to people otherwise left to fend for themselves. It’s innovative and right on point giving skills that will result in real value.
These guys are making things happen, giving people a second chance and rewriting the rule book! I love what they are doing and can only see things getting better for those who need their help.
Great cause. Keep up the excellent work
This is a story that needs to be told.
It is so important to be looking at ways to aid those in prisons and reduce reincarceration rates. Amazing work!!
Brilliant program has so much potential
This is a story that needs to be heard. The hard work and dedication that
Kelly and Amanda have devoted to a much needed cause is second to none.
Great cause would love to see a visual story of the journey
The work that Amanda and Kelly do is vital to society on so many levels. Having worked with mental health and addiction clients for 25+ years, many who have been incarcerated, the impact the work of Green Foxes has on improving self confidence, building skills and providing a sense of purpose is what will change the outcome of the client group once they are back in the community. The story needs to be visible.
Well done ladies! This is close to my heart, having a family member go in to the system with no training or support and to watch them now out and suffering with no job prospects still to this day after close to 40 years on the outside. This will give so much hope and give the men pride, which is so important. All prisions need this now not in 10+ years but now, would of been lovely to have this back in the 70s. Good luck Foxes
Yes – we need to give hope and options rather than punishment and exclusion if we expect people to turn their lives around.
I would love to see this and have underrepresented stories and talent from people of disadvantaged backgrounds highlighted on as many different platforms and media as possible.
Green Fox Studio does such amazing work. Teaching others to learn & develop skills that can lead to future job opportunities is so commendable. Well done Kelly & Amanda
This is important work, not to mention inspiring for those both inside and outside. Well done Foxes.
This is an excellent initiative. Providing opportunities and employment pathways to those who may have never had a career is a true benefit to our society.
Keep it up Green Fox Studios.
Fantastic initiative by some very special ladies to bring to the forefront of discussion a truly worthwhile program. Well done to all involved.
My vote is definitely on you both! Go Green Fox.
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