After losing her sister to cancer Angel decided to use her skills as an award-winning hairdresser and help people suffering from hair loss subsequently changing the quality of life for many.
A short portray film.
After losing her sister to cancer Angel decided to use her skills as an award-winning hairdresser and help people suffering from hair loss subsequently changing the quality of life for many.
While Adrian was researching ways to combat one of the most aggressive breast cancers, suddenly his quest became much more personal when his wife got diagnosed. When her oncologist had suggested having more surgery, Adrian’s scientific knowledge meant that they were able to identify more options. Their ‘Wellness Bus’ idea was born out of them wanting to provide women in similar situations with options and a sense of power. Adrian and Elisa have ever since been trying to bring quality care and answers to women in rural Queensland and beyond.
My name is Mitchell Lancaster, I’m a 24 year old singer songwriter. I have struggled against, and learnt to work with my mental health issues throughout my teen years (and many others). When I was 16 years old, I attempted to take my own life. 2 years later, I was introduced to music.
I have always had a passion for creating and sharing stories, and music was a light that showed me that I was able to transmute my own struggle into a narrative that could, perhaps, land for others and resonate with experiences that are not so isolated as we may believe.
“Winter” is a song I have written myself and produced with my band Dreams of Indigo, and comes at the tale of mental illness from the perspective of an old lover – one who you fail to lock the doors on time and time again.
Sharing this story has allowed me to move productively with my own pain, and opened my eyes to the stigma that surrounds these struggles, and my own desire to demystify it.
Welcome to the Journey of Dante’s Hearing Loss.
Born Deaf, We received our first set of Hearing Aids at 3.5wks old, after one year and no progress with access to sound, Dante was Implanted with Cochlear Implants, 1 month after his First Birthday.
BOOM, We have access to sound! Now He can hear his mum and dad for the very first time.
We continue to learn Auslan Sign Language, and provide others with Auslan through our daily Tiktok Videos, and creating awareness about deaf children within our community.
Baby Dante’s Hearing Loss Journey Read More »
Anna’s journey starts in New Zealand as the child of Russian Jewish refugee parents. The promise of freedom instead turned into displacement, emotional and sexual abuse. Her 20’s saw her falling into a toxic cocktail of drugs, alcohol, and bad relationships resulting in her own body attacking itself with a disfiguring skin condition. Devastation or a blessing in disguise? Follow Anna’s journey from a deep sense of inferiority to the right to be visible and beyond.
The Voice of Visibility Read More »
¿Por qué me pasa todo esto?
Pregunta recurrente cuando te encuentras en situación de sinhogarismo.
¿Qué necesidad hay de experimentar lo que me sucede?
Un proceso de aprendizaje de primera mano. Como buen observador voy tomando nota mental de las experiencias buenas y malas que van sucediéndome cada día.
̶ Sal de la calle lo más pronto y cuenta nuestras realidades ̶ me repitió Luis ̶ uno de esos días que coincidíamos en el comedor.
Las respuestas van llegando y te das cuenta que debes contar tu historia. No por satisfacción personal, más bien para crear conciencia que a cualquier persona le puede suceder, sin importar estrato social o posición económica. Con la pandemia del Covid-19 el cierre de negocios, pérdida de trabajos, destrucción de familias, el sinhogarismo va a incrementarse.
Utilizando mis habilidades para escribir «Las estrellas escondidas» novela basada en hechos reales que sirva para concientizar a la sociedad y políticos para afrontar el sinhogarismo.
Las estrellas escondidas Read More »
A story of fighting against invisible forces that control the space of the unconscious mind and taking back the ownership of mind power. When most of us live in COVID 19 Pandemic fear, I had prepared myself since birth. My mother intended to kill me at my birth. My birthday was my apology day. The awakening moment at age six led my hands truly on what humanity is looking for but afraid most of us to find. It saved me from driving myself to the end due to the fear of being poisoned or abandoned; daily slavery and torture; being disfigured and blackmailed by family; forced marriage; the threat of being removed from genealogy; a potential accidental murder in Fi Ji sea; mental crash knowing my immediate death was expected when I reached my dreamed success in the early thirties. Regaining the lost territory of the unconscious mind is the path to liberty living beyond the mind prison, where mental suffering, fear of death, the sense of uncertainty, and after death do not exist.
Liberty Beyond Matrix Read More »
How do we transcend our identities and value Earth as our home? Cosmopolitan to the core, I identify as a global citizen, or rather, a cosmocitizen. With beginnings in Poland, I had a migratory childhood via the refugee camps of Italy to multicultural Canada. Soon after, I began my own globetrotting quest, taking the path of a humanitarian and moving around the world in service to humanity, finding myself in various migration contexts, this time as an aid worker. A decade of working with the United Nations had taken me to many places around the planet, and when I returned to Europe, I began to explore more deeply the multiple crises that had become the norm. Making Hungary my home base for many years allowed me to delve further into my life’s work in human rights. Now another life transition is about to take place, testing the spirit and potential of cosmocitizenship.
What do you do if you can’t afford to study at college? In the era of the internet when content is freely available; Will you take ownership of your learning? Will you design your own learning path to fulfill your creative needs instead of waiting for someone? Meet Ankit Khandelwal, who has pioneered personalized learning for all. Done with just an internet connection and easily available resources, his journey could help millions of others living in remote corners of the world who have no access to a formal college education. Hailed by UNESCO as the future of higher education, his work has been globally recognized with publications in Harvard & MIT. Translated into 100+ languages, his work addressed 21st-century skill development challenges and hybrid learning as one of the possible solutions.
Taking Ownership of My Own Learning Path Read More »
My childhood and teenage years were full of struggle. My parents were controlling and strict. I started running away and rebelling from them from the age of 15 and eventually became a single mum at the age of 20. I had an alcohol and drug problem and was consumed in the party life and constantly getting stuck in toxic relationships with bad guys.
My life was a mess until I surrendered and called out to God for help at the age of 27. Within 1 year my life changed, I found the man of my dreams, I went from broke to wealthy, I started a new life in a new city and built a new family.
Since then I’ve been able to build a 7 figure business helping to reduce poverty in the Philippines. My life changed because I found God and I want others to find him too. Life doesnt have to be your own struggle, you can rely on God’s help to guide you through.
Pitch your story…At the age of 6 I became a carer for my mother who has been constantly suicidal through my life. I too am a survivor of child abuse and have had first-hand experience with PTSD. Statistics show that due to my history I am at higher risk of suicide and ongoing mental health issues. I refuse to accept this. I am living proof that as individuals we can change this reality.
When I was growing up I had no idea that my personal story would end up impacting the lives of thousands of Australians. I have the bloodline of the traditional Inca people in me. I feel fortunate that those who have walked before me have smashed the poverty cycle, breaking the integrational trauma cycle that has allowed me to become the person I am today. #incawarrior
Inca Warrior – Awaking the Voice Within Read More »
My storyline is simple: born on the South-East of Hungary, moved to the capital to study and stayed for work. Could be any of you. Met this guy who broke me and I needed therapy. Since then, I am on a constant personal journey in my inner world. Trying to reflect the change on the world around me. A short volunteering in Cambodia to teach English. For a while weekly visitor in a children’s home to help out. Volunteer wannabe-trainer at Heroes’ Square Foundation. Diversity addict. A little of everything is better than a big shot of just one thing. Conscious of the environment, of the diet and the relationships. Grown into a sports person. Struggling with laziness and constantly changing focus. But I cannot stop trying to become a better person, a “more me” everyday, step by step, sometimes back but still, more and more forward.
No story to tell, really, I am just a girl-next-door…
Always just one day at a time Read More »