
Build the social entrepreneurship movement

I’m a career social entrepreneur with a track record of building platforms, enterprises and partnerships that create change.

I’m driven by a desire to create a more participatory and responsive democracy, and a world where all communities have access to the tools, information and infrastructure to create the future they seek.

While at university I founded Vibewire Inc, to empower young Australians as changemakers and social entrepreneurs, and led it for the first 8 of its now 21 years.

During this time I raised over $1 Million, opened the first co-working space in Australia, convinced the Federal ALP and Liberal parties to allow youth reporters to follow the PM and Opposition Leaders during federal election campaigns and developed partnership with the Sydney Morning Herald, NSW Human Rights Commission and the City of Brisbane amongst others.

Vibewire won the UN’s World Summit Youth Award for Community Engagement in 2005 and I was made a Global Youth Action Fellow of the International Youth Foundation in 2007.

After four years working in the US, first as the first Digital Marketing Director for Ashoka then at Silicon Valley-based HopeLab, I founded StartSomeGood in 2011 with a mission to increase the pace of innovation for good.

StartSomeGood’s platforms and programs provide a roadmap for early-stage and aspiring social entrepreneurs looking to make a difference, helping them move from inspiration to action and impact.

We are very partnership-focused, working with ING, Optus, English Family Foundation, Ian Potter Foundation, UNDP, First Innovators and the Cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth amongst others.

Over ten years we have worked with thousands of social entrepreneurs, helping hundreds of projects/year launch through our platforms and accelerators and continuing to pioneer new ways of funding and growing impact enterprises, including the impending launch of the new blockchain-based crowd-lending platform LendForGood early next year.

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Akili Australia

Akili is a Swahili noun. It means intelligence, resourcefulness, wit.
Since time immemorial, the Swahili language has connected different tribes, cultures and nations through commerce.

Akili aims to do the same; connect women with vastly different life experiences through their art, their unique styles and the products they make and use. By connecting artisans in Tanzania, Ecuador and Brazil with Australian consumers, we empower vulnerable women and their culture through commerce.

We offer carefully crafted ethical fashion accessories and homeware handmade in developing communities by social entrepreneurs. Each item makes a statement, and every piece aims to shape a better world for both user and maker, one product at a time.

My name is Fabiana. After working with female Social Entrepreneurs in Tanzania, I decided to create a platform to sell their handmade products in Australia with my partner Vlad da Cunha. We believe that by supporting artisans in the global arena, we preserve cultures at risk of disappearance. In our view, craftsmanship also provides a sustainable alternative to problematic industries, like fast fashion, whilst it empowers women in communities where their fundamental rights are often overlooked.

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Designing a pathway to reduced crime

When it comes to true rehabilitation, statistics say that prison is, at best, 50% effective.
Imagine a world where prisons acted as education hubs in which inmates could learn the skills they need to find meaningful employment after their release.
This small but determined team is striving for just that – working side by side with those from a range of diverse and often disadvantaged backgrounds who have been incarcerated for a variety of reasons, to help give them another chance at life.
Their mission is to tap into the hidden potential of those who want to change for the better, make a real difference to these forgotten members of society and, in turn, make the community safer.

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My name is Mitchell Lancaster, I’m a 24 year old singer songwriter. I have struggled against, and learnt to work with my mental health issues throughout my teen years (and many others). When I was 16 years old, I attempted to take my own life. 2 years later, I was introduced to music.
I have always had a passion for creating and sharing stories, and music was a light that showed me that I was able to transmute my own struggle into a narrative that could, perhaps, land for others and resonate with experiences that are not so isolated as we may believe.
“Winter” is a song I have written myself and produced with my band Dreams of Indigo, and comes at the tale of mental illness from the perspective of an old lover – one who you fail to lock the doors on time and time again.
Sharing this story has allowed me to move productively with my own pain, and opened my eyes to the stigma that surrounds these struggles, and my own desire to demystify it.

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Baby Dante’s Hearing Loss Journey

Welcome to the Journey of Dante’s Hearing Loss.
Born Deaf, We received our first set of Hearing Aids at 3.5wks old, after one year and no progress with access to sound, Dante was Implanted with Cochlear Implants, 1 month after his First Birthday.

BOOM, We have access to sound! Now He can hear his mum and dad for the very first time.

We continue to learn Auslan Sign Language, and provide others with Auslan through our daily Tiktok Videos, and creating awareness about deaf children within our community.

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